Stainless steel ratio in developed countries is generally used in industrial facilities to 15 % -20 % , the proportion of domestic applications small. This is partly due to the introduction of complete sets of industrial equipment , 430 stainless steel sheets materials are not statistics , on the other hand is not yet adopted by domestic materials . Chemical, petrochemical, chemical , paper, food, medicine , energy ( nuclear power, thermal power, fuel cells ) and other areas need to stainless steel. In addition , the existing equipment has been imported into the maintenance phase . With the development of improved quality of products made of stainless steel and special grades of products, the domestic application of stainless steel industrial facilities will increase year by year in the future .
Slightly higher than the density of carbon ferritic and martensitic stainless steel, and slightly lower than the austenitic stainless steel ; resistivity by carbon steel, ferritic , martensitic and austenitic qiyi 304 stainless steel sheets sort ascending ; linear expansion Sort coefficient size is similar, austenitic stainless steel of the highest minimum ; steel, ferritic and martensitic stainless steel magnetic, austenitic stainless steel non-magnetic, but it generates a work hardening martensitic phase transformation when will generate magnetism , heat treatment method can be used to eliminate this martensite and restore its non-magnetic.